Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Vancouver 2010

So my better half keeps nicely nudging me to blog more often, so I thought it would be a good time start.  With the Winter Olympics finally over, I thought I would write a few words on these latest winter games.

I have to say that I thoroughly enjoy the Olympics, even though it may take me a few days to fully get into the spirit and pageantry of the games.  There's something about rooting for your country in competitive sports that can not be matched in the NBA, MLB, or NFL.  Don't get me wrong, I love those leagues and have a great time following my teams in those leagues, but it doesn't generate that same passion that I get when rooting for the stars and stripes to beat, well, the WORLD in everything from Skeleton to Curling.

Yes, I said Curling...

...which I still do not understand at all, but I definitely want the USA to be the best at it.  And believe you me, I was rooting like heck for their stone and their sweeper dudes to do whatever it is they are supposed to do to win.  Unfortunately it didn't work out so well for our Curling team this go 'round.  But here's kudos to the two athletes that I found myself rooting the most for:  Mr. Apollo Anton Ono (you are the man!) and Ryan Miller.

I don't know what it is, but Ono is to speed skating what Jerry Rice was to football:  a cool, calm confidence.  In my opinion no one looked cooler, more talented, or more confident on the football field than Jerry Rice.  He excelled as the best wide receiver of all time and looked good doing it.  That's how I felt about Apollo.  The guy just flat out flies on the ice and looks good doing it, too.  He's just plain cool, no other way to describe him.

Then there's Ryan Miller, the USA men's hockey team goalie.  This guy was an absolute stud!!!  Not only did he shut down some of the best hockey players in the world, but the guy has to be like 120lbs soaking wet.  When he was interviewed after games, he was humble, respectful, and looked like he left everything out on the ice for his country.  It is a shame the USA didn't get the Gold and especially Miller.  No shame in giving up a winning goal to the best hockey player (Crosby) in the world right now.

So there you have it.  My first of hopefully many more blogs to come.  I hope you enjoyed this impromptu, off the cuff blog.  You're welcome honey!

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