Monday, March 12, 2012

Fabulous find!

I've been looking at little slides recently.  Slides like this one that I saw at Target a couple weeks back.
It's $50, so I wanted to shop around a bit.  Now, as I've mentioned before, my little G-O baby is not too much of a napper these days. So when we find ourselves in the car and she drifts off to sleep, I sometimes drive around our neighborhood a little bit so she can get a few extra winks.  (I know from experience that I can't get her out of the car and in to our place without her waking up and staying up.  Plus, I drive a hybrid, so I don't feel too bad about a short drive.)

The other day, was one such day.  This time, as we drove around the neighborhood, I came across a pile of stuff set out by the curb.  I was about to drive right past it when something caught my eye: a toddler slide!

I quickly parked the car right next to the stack of stuff and hopped out for a peek at the slide.  It looked to be in pretty good condition--just faded from time spent out in the sunlight.  I loaded it up and figured I could take a much closer look at it back home.  If there was something wrong with it that I didn't spot, I could always dispose of it myself.  Also, if for some reason our little sweetie didn't like it, but it was in great working order, we could always donate it to our church nursery or any of the many young families we know.

Turns out it is in great shape and our little G-O baby loves it!  See for yourself:

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